Synthetic CDO Pricing:The Perspective of Risk Integration
SFI Working Paper Series
No. SFIWP0050 2015-05-14
Synthetic CDO Pricing:The Perspective of Risk Integration
Conghui Hua Xun Zhangb,c,* Qiuming Gaod
Abstract:The underlying asset pool of Collateral Debt Obligations (CDOs) simultaneously encompasses credit risk and market risk. However, the standard CDO pricing model not only underestimates the risk to the asset pool due to a poor description of the correlation structure among obligors, but is also incapable of reflecting the impacts of interdependent markets, credit risks and systematic sudden shocks on the asset pool. This paper studies the joint impact of interrelated market and credit risk factors on the key inputs of CDO pricing (default probability, default correlation and default loss rate) under the framework of factor copula CDO pricing model and constructs a risk-integrated model for CDO pricing. In addition, we extend the static integrated model to a dynamic version by allowing the risk factors driven by the copula-GARCH process. The simulation results show that, compared with an integrated model, the premium of senior tranches is significantly lower under the standard model. Such difference is mainly due to different assumptions of the distributions of risk-driving factor.
Keywords: Collateral Debt Obligation (CDO); Risk Integration; Factor Model; Copula
JEL:G12, G13, G19
Download:Synthetic CDO Pricing:The Perspective of Risk Integration
This paper is forthcoming at Applied Economics.
aBusiness School, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
bShanghai Finance Institute, Shanghai, China
cChina Center for Economic Research (CCER), National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing, China
dInstitute of Economics, Chinese Academy of of Social Sciences, Beijing, China
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 15201468521. Email address: